The Meaning Behind The Song: Suspicions by Eddie Rabbitt

When it comes to country music, Eddie Rabbitt is a name that cannot be forgotten. His soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics have left a lasting impression on fans around the world. One of his most notable songs, “Suspicions,” not only showcases his incredible talent but also delves into the complex emotions of love, insecurity, and the fear of losing someone you hold dear.

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Personal Connection

When I first heard “Suspicions,” it struck a chord deep within me. The lyrics resonated with a part of me that had experienced feelings of doubt and unease in past relationships. My wife and I used to listen to it together, and it became a sort of anthem for us, reminding us to trust each other despite any insecurities or external influences.

I remember playing this song for my close friend, who was going through a tough time in his relationship. He found solace in the lyrics and found comfort in the fact that he wasn’t alone in his feelings. It’s a powerful testament to the universality of emotions that music can bring.

Exploring the Lyrics

The lyrics of “Suspicions” portray the struggle of a person being consumed by feelings of doubt and insecurity, even though they are aware of their partner’s love. Eddie Rabbitt’s heartfelt voice captures the vulnerability behind these emotions.

The opening lines, “I’m so glad that I met you, baby, and I’m so proud when we walk down the street,” illustrate a sense of appreciation for the loved one’s presence and a desire to showcase their relationship. However, soon after, the lyrics take a bittersweet turn:

“And I know it’s crazy to worry like I do, but I get this feeling that I’m losing you”

These lines highlight the internal struggle of the narrator as they battle their own insecurities, despite having no concrete evidence to support their suspicions.

The chorus, “I get these suspicions, even though I know that you love me, baby, and I really shouldn’t feel this way,” perfectly captures the conflicting emotions that arise within a person battling trust issues. The internal battle between knowing their partner’s love and feeling insecure becomes a constant struggle.

The verses further delve into the insecurities the narrator faces when in public with their partner. They feel threatened by the attention their lover receives and worry that someone might steal them away. These lyrics depict the fear of losing someone due to external influences and the subsequent strain it puts on their relationship.

Despite the haunting doubts, the narrator finds solace in the moments shared with their loved one:

“When I’m with you, I feel so satisfied, the way you touch me when you lay by my side.”

The lyrics beautifully convey the conflicting emotions, as the narrator battles between feeling grateful for the love they receive but also feeling self-loathing for doubting it.


“Suspicions” by Eddie Rabbitt is a timeless country classic that explores the universal themes of love, insecurity, and trust. It serves as a reminder that doubts and insecurities can creep into even the strongest of relationships. Through its heartfelt lyrics and soulful delivery, the song delves into the internal battle faced by someone torn between their devotion and their fears.

As listeners, we can relate to the emotions conveyed by Eddie Rabbitt, and the universality of these feelings is what makes the song so powerful. “Suspicions” allows us to reflect on our own experiences, reminding us to trust our instincts while building and nurturing our relationships.

So the next time you find yourself doubting, take a moment to listen to this profound song, and remember that we are all susceptible to suspicions, but it’s the trust and love we hold onto that truly matters.

Album title: Loveline (1979)


Written By: Even Stevens, Eddie Rabbitt, Randy McCormick, & David Malloy
