Lil' Fizz and Kamiah Adams

Lil' Fizz and Kamiah Adams


Lil' Fizz and Kamiah Adams  


Kamiah Adams and Lil' Fizz dated from 2014 to May, 2015.

On Screen Matchups

Kamiah Adams and Lil' Fizz were in Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood(2014) together.


Kamiah Adams is a 30 year old American Model (Adult/Glamour). Her zodiac sign is Pisces.

Lil' Fizz is a 38 year old American Singer. Born Dreux Pierre Frédéric on 26th November, 1985 in Louisiana, he is famous for B2K in a career that spans 2000–present and 1998–present. His zodiac sign is Sagittarius.


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Relationship Statistics

Dating2014 - May 20151 year, 4 months
Total2014 -May 20151 year, 4 months
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