Is Ainsley Earhardt still married? Why did Ainsley Earhardt and Will Proctor divorce?

2bcfa6a0f81fd414c7b55fcaf0ed45b5Ainsley Earhardt (born September 20, 1976) is a conservative television news journalist and author from the United States. She is a Fox & Friends co-host.

Earhardt was born in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and moved with her family as a child to the Foxcroft neighbourhood of Charlotte, North Carolina.

When Earhardt was in elementary school, her family relocated to the Columbia, South Carolina, area, and she graduated from Spring Valley High School in 1995.

Is Ainsley Earhardt still married?

Ainsley is currently not married. Ainsley has been married twice. In 2005, the renowned television star was married to Kevin McKinney. The duo got divorced in the year 2009.

In 2012, Ainsley remarried Will Proctor a former Clemson University quarterback. Ainsley and Will’s marriage only lasted for 7 years. They got divorced in 2019.

Why did Ainsley Earhardt and Will Proctor divorce?

According to an unnamed source, Earhardt filed for divorce due to Proctor’s alleged infidelity. “It was even more devastating for Ainsley because he cheated on her with someone she considered one of her closest friends.”

Proctor, in an interview, denied the allegations, saying, “There is not one ounce of truth to the allegations that I had an affair.” “I am disappointed that this private matter has become public,” he added.
