Who is Michael Copon dating? Michael Copon girlfriend, wife

Michael Copon

Michael Copon  American Actor


Whois hedating right now?

According to our records, Michael Copon is possibly single.


Michael Copon has been engaged to Kathy (2008).

Michael Copon has been in relationships with Katy Johnson (2009) and Cassandra Scerbo (2006 - 2008).

Michael Copon has had an encounter with Kim Kardashian (2010).


Michael Copon is a 41 year old American Actor. Born Michael Sowell Copon on 13th November, 1982 in Chesapeake, Virginia, USA, he is famous for Power Rangers Time Force (Blue Ranger), Felix on One Tree Hill in a career that spans 2001–present. His zodiac sign is Scorpio.

Michael Copon has been in 2 on-screen matchups, including Ashley Benson in Bring It On: In It to Win It (2007) and Sophia Bush in One Tree Hill (2003).

Michael Copon is a member of the following lists: American film actors, American film producers and American television actors.


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Relationship Statistics

Engaged116 years, 1 month--
Dating215 years, 1 month8 years, 9 months-
Encounter11 month--
Total416 years, 1 month8 years, 5 months1 month


First NameMichael
Middle NameSowell
Last NameCopon
Full Name at BirthMichael Sowell Copon
Birthday13th November, 1982
BirthplaceChesapeake, Virginia, USA
Height6' 1" (185 cm)
Eye ColorBrown - Dark
Hair ColorBlack
Zodiac SignScorpio
High SchoolDeep Creek High School
Occupation TextActor, Model, Film Producer
Claim to FamePower Rangers Time Force (Blue Ranger), Felix on One Tree Hill
Year(s) Active2001 - Present, 2001–present

Michael Copon is an American actor and producer. He is known for playing Felix Taggaro in the television series One Tree Hill, Vin Keahi in the television series Beyond the Break, and Lucas Kendall in Power Rangers Time Force. Best known for being the lead singer of The Boyz n Motion.

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