Transgender Andrea Jones 'flashed her breasts at DMV staff after they refused to change her gender f

Transgender woman 'flashed her breasts at DMV staff after they refused to change her gender from male to female on license'



A transgender woman was arrested after baring her breasts at a driving licence office - because staff would not alter her sex from male to female on her licence.

Andrea Jones flew into a rage after staff said they could not change her licence without a note from a doctor confirming she has had a full sex change.

The 34-year-old, who has undergone breast implant surgery, whipped off her top in the car park outside the office as a protest.

Tennessee resident Andrea Jones, who was born a man, took her top off at the DMV when they refused to change her gener from male to female

Tennessee resident Andrea Jones, who was born a man, took her top off at the DMV when they refused to change her gener from male to female

When officers moved in to arrest her for indecent exposure she said removing her shirt should not be a problem as her driving license stated that she was still a male.

The confrontation took place at a Department for Motor Vehicle in Morristown, Tennessee, when Jones attempted to have her gender classification changed on her licence.


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Jones said she told staff on the front desk that she had undergone a partial sex change and that she was waiting to have all her male genatalia removed.

She also handed over her social security card that stated she was a woman.

Staff informed her that they were unable to make the change until she had completed the full sex change procedure.

Jones was jailed for 23 days and is due to appear in court next month charged with indecent exposure charge.

Ms Jones said: 'It’s not right for the state to ask me to be both male and female. A choice needs to be made. They cannot hold me to both standards.'

The Tennessee Department of Safety said it would change the sex on a licence, 'if an applicant presents a doctor’s statement indicating that a full sex change has occurred and the procedure is complete.'
