Karate Kid Quotes – Top 12 Inspirational and Motivational Quotes from Karate Kid (2010) starring Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith. Karate Kid quotes are mainly related to philosophy and respect. There are many great quotes in this movie which are inspirational and motivational.
This movie is based on Kung Fu. Dre Parker played by Jaden Smith move to China with his mother. Mr. Han played by Jackie Chan is a maintenance man. In China, Dre gets bullied and attacked by Cheng (played by Zhenwei Wang).
He is saved by Mr. Han from Cheng using Kung Fu. This reveals that Mr. Han is more than a maintenance man and is a master of Kung Fu. He agrees to teach Kung Fu to Dre.
Then Mr. Han teaches Dre Parker Kung Fu. He calls Dre as “Xiao Dre”. “Xiao” in English means “small”.
This movie gives you a very important message that it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose. Whatever may be the outcome, just “Fight Hard”.
Because if you fight hard and never give up, you will “Earn Respect”. You will never get respected automatically, you have to earn it.
Karate Kid Quotes are very inspiring and No. 8 is my favorite. Which one is yours? Write it down in the comment section below.
Karate Kid Quotes:
#1. If you think only with your eyes, you are easy to fool.
#2. Best fights are the ones we avoid.
#3. There is no such thing as bad students, only bad teachers.
#4. Being still and doing nothing are two very different things.
#5. There is one person you need to learn how to control. YOU
#6. Too much something is not good.
#7. Win or lose, doesn’t matter. Fight hard. Earn respect.
#8. Life will knock us down. But we choose whether or not to get back up.
#9. Kung Fu is for knowledge, defense. Not to make war, but create peace.
#10. Always concentrate.
#11. A true friend is a person who makes your life better.
#12. Empty your mind. Focus.