What is Bella Shmurda's birth place?
Lagos is birth place of Bella Shmurda.What is Bella Shmurda's net worth?
$ 164K is approximately net worth of Bella Shmurda.How many subscribers does Bella Shmurda have?
Bella Shmurda has 411,000 subs.What is the monthly income of Bella Shmurda?
Income of Bella Shmurda is $ 1.63K.What is Bella Shmurda's real name?
Birth name of Bella Shmurda is Akinbiyi Abiola Ahmed.How many videos does Bella Shmurda have?
Bella Shmurda uploaded 99 videos on youtube.How much does Bella Shmurda make per 1000 views?
Bella Shmurda makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.How many video views does Bella Shmurda have?
Bella Shmurda has 134,875,198 video views.When Bella Shmurda started youtube channel?
Bella Shmurda has youtube channel since 2020-07-03.What is Bella Shmurda's job?
Bella Shmurda is songwriter singer.ncG1vNJzZmihpGPGsMHTrpmeqqNjuqZ7wZ6jpZldqLWuwdGdmGixn6rBtq7EZpysrJmirrWxw2acmqqenruov46epQ%3D%3D