MERIDIAN, Idaho (CBS 2) - Meridian's Hannah Cleere, a recent graduate from Mountain View High School, is this year's winner of the $1,000 Students of History Scholarship.
This annual scholarship goes out to a graduating senior with a passion for social studies and applying what they learned in high school towards improving the world.
Hannah was selected from hundreds of applicants nationwide.
In Hannah's essay, she described how her favorite lesson from her high school government class inspired her to become active in local politics.
The class researched issues in Idaho and selected one that was personally important to each of them.
After careful research, Hannah wrote a letter to Idaho's governor addressing the Idaho Human Rights Act.
In his recommendation, Hannah’s former teacher Mr. John Rollins wrote that, "Hannah is one of the finest students I've taught in U.S. History. She is inquisitive, bright, consistent, and has a great work ethic. Her insight into the deeper issues of U.S. History far exceeded my expectations."
Hannah will be attending the University of Idaho next year.