Moon Elizabeth Smith is the daughter of American veteran actress, Lois Smith.
Moon Elizabeth Smith profession
What does Moon Elizabeth Smith do for a living? What does Moon Elizabeth Smith do for work? What is Moon Elizabeth Smith’s profession? Moon Elizabeth Smith’s profession is not known yet.
Moon Elizabeth Smith age
How old is Moon Elizabeth Smith? What is Moon Elizabeth Smith’s age? What age is Moon Elizabeth Smith? Moon Elizabeth Smith is 65 years old.
Moon Elizabeth Smith birthday
When does Moon Elizabeth Smith celebrate her birthday? What is Moon Elizabeth Smith’s birthday? Moon Elizabeth Smith celebrates her birthday every February 8.
Moon Elizabeth Smith date of birth
When was Moon Elizabeth Smith born? What is Moon Elizabeth Smith date of birth? Moon Elizabeth Smith was born on February 8, 1958.
Moon Elizabeth Smith father
Who is Moon Elizabeth Smith’s father? Who was Moon Elizabeth Smith born to? Moon Elizabeth Smith was born to Wesley Dale Smith.