Uma Pemmaraju ex-husband: Who is Andrew Petkun?

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Uma Pemmaraju, 64, is an American television news anchor. 

She was born Uma Devi Pemmaraju in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India on March 31, 1958, and is best known for her work with Fox News Channel. 

Her zodiac sign is Aries.

Uma Devi Pemmaraju is Fox News cable network anchor and host who grew up in San Antonio, Texas. She is the current host/anchor of Fox News’s “America’s News Headquarters w/Uma Pemmaraju” in New York. 

She also writes for Bloomberg News.

Pemmaraju grew up in San Antonio, Texas after being born in Rajahmundry, Andhra Prades, India. 

Trinity University in Texas awarded her Bachelor of Arts in political science.

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Uma Pemmaraju ex-husband: Who is Andrew Petkun?

Andrew Jay Petkun (76) lives at 5029 Vine Cliff Way W, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418, and is a member of the Florida Democratic Party.

Andrew Petkun is a business professional from the United States.

Who is their daughter?

Andrew and Uma Pemmaraju has a daughter named Kirina Alana Devi.

Why did they divorce?

Despite becoming parents, the couple’s marriage did not last long. They eventually split up through divorce. However, the couple chose to remain silent about the reason for their divorce.

Though Uma’s life became more complicated after her divorce, her patience helped her get through it. She is currently living happily with her daughter as a family. Furthermore, there has been no confirmation of Uma dating anyone since her divorce from her husband. Perhaps she wants to devote all of her time to her daughter.
