What happened to Sarita Anderson?

In April 2014, Sarita Anderson started to experience flu-like symptoms, lost excess weight and hair, and also had fungal infections in her mouth. She soon tested positive for HIV. Sources state that she was never diagnosed with the s*xually transmitted disease before September 2013.

It was later revealed that her boyfriend at the time Karim Zakikhani had tested positive for HIV but lied about his health to Anderson. She later learned that Zakikhani had known that he was HIV positive since 2008. He was charged with aggravated assault and was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

ID's Evil Lives Here is scheduled to revisit Sarita Anderson's story of betrayal in an upcoming episode titled Sleeping With the Enemy, which is scheduled to re-air on the channel this Sunday, December 11, 2022, at 7:00 pm ET.

The synopsis states:

"When Sarita Anderson begins feeling ill, she thinks it's just the flu at first; she never suspects that the man pretending to love and nurse her back to health is actually the monster responsible."

Sarita Anderson and multiple other women were infected with HIV after s*xual intercourse with Karim Zakikhani

Sarita Anderson and her boyfriend Karim Zakikhani started dating in September 2013, after meeting at a hospital where they both worked as security. However, before having unprotected s*x, Anderson requested that Zakikhani get tested for STDs. He informed her that no s*xually transmitted illnesses were detected during his checkup.

Sources state that her medical reports suggested that she was previously never diagnosed with HIV and never received treatment for the same. However, Zakikhani falsified his HIV status and lied to Anderson, given that he tested positive in 2008. She never asked him for the paperwork and "just took his word for it, as he took mine."

The Houston Police Department Family Crime Violence Office reportedly stated:

"With the medical records, we were able to determine that the defendant [Karim Zakikhani] was infected in March 2008."

Later, Anderson also learned some other unsettling information. According to court records, she learned that Zakikhani was married while they were dating. Records state that Anderson spoke to his wife, who verified that Zakikhani had previously infected her with HIV in 2009 and that he was aware of his positive status all along.

As per KPRC, speaking about the situation, Sarita Anderson reportedly said:

"I call it my tragedy, the testimony, how I had to dig myself out of that hole and basically, I feel like the old me died, but I worked real hard to rebirth a new person and I feel like that person is better. You don’t know how strong you can be until you have no choice but to be strong."

Following Anderson's official complaint against Karim Zakikhani in June 2016, authorities learned that his actions had affected multiple other women as well. According to reports, at least 12 women claimed that he had infected them with HIV.

Karim ultimately accepted a plea deal to avoid going to court for trial and was given a 30-year prison term in June 2018. He reportedly pleaded guilty to a first-degree felony charge of aggravated assault on a family member resulting in serious bodily injury. Sources state that Sarita Anderson also shares a child with Zakikhani.

Catch more about the case on ID's Evil Lives Here this Sunday, December 11, 2022.

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