0 GRAVITY Where's a boy Wearing Holister Old fashioned boy He didn't k…
ACT!VE VOLCANO It's a radical Unpredictable Feel like a prisoner Uncomfor…
Beautiful You told me that I′m so twisted Negative vibes only You told…
BEING HUMAN Can't you feel weird with this world like me? (Me) Can't…
Benefits One thing I realized All Behaviors only for benefits Yeah al…
Black Fin What happened I don't remember Now I'm on the broken boat…
Bullet I find some bullets in my pocket But I don′t got…
BYE BYE BYE Everybody is leaving I can feel nothing This room is empty W…
CAN'T STOP THIS THUNDER Thunder′s inside, thunder's outside Deeply inside there blue…
Chirstmas High Something happened on my mind It's shaking me up inside I kn…
CHRISTIAN Money makes me feel better You told me it was a…
DISTANCE TO THE SUICIDE Distance to the suicide It′s closer than I thought Ooh, 6 fe…
DON'T MAKE HIM A VILLAIN! We are halfway there now How will this story end? Will he…
Enough Just enough Just enough Just enough to keep me alive Not to…
falling from the sky Last night I was falling from the sky I thought that…
GHOST Party's over now You're still hovering above my eyes I'm yel…
HERO IN THE MIRROR My hero has been struggling for 10, 20, 30, or…
HOMEBIRD Singing all her life But she never had a flight at…
LAND I don′t know why I'm still here Jesus I can′t feel…
LONELY DIVER Standing on cliff Mr. Lonely diver I′m waiting your sign I'm…
MAGIC! I was a machine, it was my choice No love in…
MIRAGE Looking at the mirage in a candle I'm trying not to…
MODERN FOX I lost my wild Feel like home dogs (I feel like…
PENGUIN To North Pole Keep moving on Oh oh my lord Why you trying…
PSYCHO LOVE How to love? I mean what you want You said mine…
QUEEN I don't wanna be pretty I just wanna be iconic I've got…
SASQUATCH You have no idea, this world is bigger Modern marketing blur…
SLEEPWALK Sleepwalk sleepwalk sleepwalking Sleepwalk sleepwalk sleepwa…
SPACE Z I'm just thinking about my life's duty I'm just watching a…
SUNBURNKID The sun is rising around you Yeah The sun is burning around…
SYNDROMEZ RADIO I have a pain but people don't care Pain has no name They…
The Ellen Show You will see me on The Ellen Show I gotta show…
the man who saw sasquatch There once was a child Who saw something out of this…
THUNDERBIRD Look at there new thunder falls Look at there new rain…
TOMORROW Wanna smile It's gon' be tomorrow Need to feel sorrow keep…
WALKING THROUGH THE DARKNESS You don′t know how To forget about it Even if there's no…