The Meaning Behind The Song: Whats Hannin by Chief Keef

Here is a breakdown and analysis of the song “What’s Hannin” by Chief Keef. In this article, we will explore the lyrics and dive into the meaning behind the song. This track was leaked in 2014 and was meant to feature Capo, but after his untimely death, Justo took over and added his own verse. The song was also known as “Red Rum”.

TitleArtistWriter/ComposerAlbumRelease DateGenreDurationProducer
What’s HanninChief KeefUnknownUnreleased2014Hip HopUnknownUnknown

Now let’s dig deeper into the lyrics and discover the meaning behind Chief Keef’s words.

In the chorus, Chief Keef expresses his financial success, boasting about having a lot of cash and bands. He also mentions having bitches, referring to women, who are loyal to him. The line “I be smokin’ tooka ’till the end” implies Chief Keef’s love for smoking marijuana. He dismisses any non-money related conversations and emphasizes his focus on making more money. The chorus is a reflection of Chief Keef’s mindset of hustling and prioritizing financial growth.

In the first verse, Chief Keef continues to showcase his tough and aggressive persona. He mentions his crew coming through with guns, ready to shoot. The line “I’m a panther, my niggas panthers, we come through when we redrum shit backward” represents the violent nature of Chief Keef and his associates. Redrum, which is murder spelled backward, symbolizes their willingness to engage in violent activities. Chief Keef also highlights his resilience and strength, comparing himself to a panther and claiming that he stands ready for any confrontation.

As the song progresses, Chief Keef touches on his love for his family, specifically mentioning his daughter, granny, momma, lil sister, and lil brother. He expresses his protectiveness towards them, stating that he will kill anyone who tries to harm them. The line “And I’m just sayin’ ‘Hi,’ I’m thinkin’ about bussin'” reveals Chief Keef’s readiness to resort to violence to protect his loved ones.

The second verse, performed by Justo, follows a similar theme as Chief Keef’s verse. Justo reiterates the importance of money and his dedication to accumulating wealth. He echoes the chorus, emphasizing his focus on getting money and dismissing any frivolous conversations. Justo’s verse adds another layer to the song, showcasing the similar mindset shared by Chief Keef and his close associates.

Now, let’s talk about the personal experiences I have with this song. As an avid fan of Chief Keef and his unique brand of gritty rap, “What’s Hannin” has been on my playlist for years. The raw energy and aggressive lyrics of the song never fail to pump me up during workouts or when I need a boost of confidence. The song’s heavy bass and intense delivery create an electric atmosphere that resonates with me on a deep level. Furthermore, Chief Keef’s unapologetic attitude and self-assuredness in his lyrics inspire me to chase my own goals fearlessly.

To me, “What’s Hannin” represents the struggle for success and the determination to rise above adversity. The lyrics reflect the harsh realities of Chief Keef’s upbringing and the mindset he adopted to survive and thrive in his environment. It serves as a reminder that no matter the circumstances, there is always an opportunity for growth and success, as long as you stay focused and dedicated to your goals.

In conclusion, “What’s Hannin” by Chief Keef is a powerful track that delves into the rapper’s mindset and his pursuit of financial success. The lyrics portray Chief Keef’s aggressive and determined attitude, and the song’s energy resonates with fans who relate to his struggle and determination. Whether you appreciate the rawness of Chief Keef’s music or not, there’s no denying the impact and meaning behind “What’s Hannin”. It serves as a testament to Chief Keef’s resilience and his determination to make a better life for himself and his loved ones.
