Who is Gary Spani dating? Gary Spani girlfriend, wife

Gary Spani

Gary Spani  American Football (American)


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According to our records, Gary Spani is possibly single.


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Gary Spani is a 67 year old American Football (American) Player born on 9th January, 1956 in Satanta, Kansas. His zodiac sign is Capricorn


First NameGary
Middle NameLeland
Last NameSpani
Full Name at BirthGary Leland Spani
Birthday9th January, 1956
BirthplaceSatanta, Kansas
Height6' 2" (188 cm)
Weight229lbs (104 kg)
Zodiac SignCapricorn
UniversityKansas State
OccupationFootball (American)
American Football PositionLinebacker
DraftDrafted by the Kansas City Chiefs in the 3rd round (58th overall) of the 1978 NFL Draft.

Gary Spani (born January 9, 1956) is a former NFL linebacker who played for the Kansas City Chiefs from 1978–1986. He has worked for the Chiefs' front office since 1989, and is currently the Director of Special Events for the Chiefs.

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