The Meaning Behind The Song: Tried and True by Ween

At the dawn of self-realization

As a longtime fan of Ween, I have always appreciated their ability to craft songs that resonate deeply with the listener. One such song that holds a special place in my heart is “Tried and True” from their 2003 album, Quebec. The heartfelt lyrics and ethereal soundscapes perfectly encapsulate the themes of self-discovery and acceptance.

Table of Contents

The song opens with the lines, “At the dawn, I woke, I was alone, rising. I called upon the force of time and space, calling.” These words evoke a sense of awakening and introspection, signaling a turning point in the narrator’s journey. It is as if they have reached a moment of self-realization, realizing their individuality and the power within.

Furthermore, the line “And as she came, to me, I fell back down, realizing” suggests the arrival of a muse or a guiding force that brings the narrator to a state of enlightenment. This encounter sparks a newfound confidence and self-worth, as expressed in the line, “Oh, that it’s cool for you to love me now, I’m everything.”

Embracing the light within

The chorus of “Tried and True” reinforces the central message of the song. It emphasizes the importance of embracing one’s true self, acknowledging the light that resides within each of us. The lyrics, “Everything, ’cause tried and true, I see the light in you,” convey a sense of acceptance and understanding of both oneself and others. It encourages the listener to recognize their inherent worth and the beauty that lies within their being.

Can you dig in my soul? Could you smell my whole life? These lines express a desire for connection and a longing for others to truly understand and appreciate the depth of the narrator’s experiences and emotions. It is a plea for empathy and the acknowledgment of one’s unique journey.

A journey of growth and healing

The second verse of the song delves into the narrator’s process of growth and healing. The line “you bent the edge, eclipsed, and turned around, aligning” suggests a shift in perspective and a removal of barriers that previously hindered personal growth. The darkness that once clouded their vision is replaced by the vivid rays of light, signifying a transformation and a newfound clarity.

The process of sowing thoughts and feelings represents the narrator’s emotional journey. Some thoughts and feelings were positive and brought happiness, while others were challenging and required healing. This verse captures the complexity and beauty of human emotions, emphasizing the importance of embracing both the joys and struggles that shape our lives.

A call to rise and embrace the mind-blowing

The bridge of “Tried and True” serves as a final rallying cry. The repetition of the line “Rise, my Dawn” signifies the awakening of the spirit and a call to action. The narrator encourages the listener, perhaps even themselves, to rest in time, allowing for reflection and self-discovery. The last line, “While I blow your mind,” suggests a desire to inspire others, to share their newfound wisdom, and perhaps even challenge societal norms and expectations.

In conclusion

“Tried and True” by Ween is not only a beautiful piece of music but also a profound exploration of self-discovery, acceptance, and personal growth. It encourages listeners to embrace their true selves, acknowledge their worth, and embark on their own unique journeys of healing and transformation.

Whether it’s the captivating lyrics, the mesmerizing melodies, or the overall atmospherics of the song, “Tried and True” holds a timeless quality that continues to resonate with fans like myself. It serves as a poignant reminder to honor our individuality and recognize the beauty that lies within each of us.

So next time you find yourself in need of inspiration or a reminder of your intrinsic worth, give “Tried and True” a listen. Let its ethereal sounds and heartfelt lyrics guide you on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance.


Produced By: Andrew Weiss

Written By: Gene Ween & Dean Ween

Release Date: August 5, 2003

Tags: Pop, Rock, Alternative, Indie, Psychedelic, Art Rock, Raga Rock, Folk Rock, Alternative Rock, Neo-Psychedelia
