Dan Avitua Passes Away, Texas resident and former General H.H. Arnold High School student

Sad information reaching us indicates Dan Avitua, A Texas resident and former General H.H. Arnold High School student has died, his death shocked many as it was sooo sudden. Numerous tributes poured in since the sudden demise of Lenny Von Dohlen, Social media users could not hide their shock at his death news. What was Dan Avitua ‘s cause of death? With the news of Dan Avitua ‘s death buzzing all over social media, one could only think of what would take the life of such a person suddenly. Well, unfortunately, we do not have any reliable information on his cause of death at this moment. There is no official release from his family on what exactly led to his death. Our team is trying hard to get some information on his cause of death. Once we do, we will share it with you.

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