I Saw Love
John Starnes Lyrics
We have lyrics for 'I Saw Love' by these artists:
Forest Blakk They say you′ll know When you find her When your heart start…
We have lyrics for these tracks by John Starnes:
He Came to Me The gulf that separated me from Christ, my Lord, It was…
He'll Do It Again You may be down and feel that God Has somehow forgotten That…
I Asked the Lord I asked the Lord that I might grow In faith and…
Let The Hallelujahs Roll Sometimes we go to church-don't feel like being blessed, sit…
Love Grew Where the Blood Fell See my Jesus on the cross, the people crying Looking on,…
My God Is Real There are somethings I may not know there are some places I… Rise and Be Healed he was wounded for our transgressions and he was bruised for…
The Galilean Have you met the man of Galilee Who claims to be…
The Lighthouse There's a lighthouse on a hillside That overlooks life's sea…
When He Was On the Cross I'm not on an ego trip I'm nothing on my own I…
Whisper Jesus There is a name I love to whisper Anytime of day…
Who Is The King? My days are filled with laughter, my heart has known…
Win the Lost as we look all around us, we see all of…
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