Who is Miles Ocampo dating? Miles Ocampo boyfriend, husband

Miles Ocampo


Miles Ocampo  Filipino Actress


Whois shedating right now?

Miles Ocampo is currently single.


Miles Ocampo has been in a relationship with Elijah Canlas (2021 - 2023).

Miles Ocampo has had an encounter with Marco Gumabao (2012 - 2013).


Miles Ocampo is a 26 year old Filipino Actress. Born Camille Ocampo Hojilla on 1st May, 1997 in Quezon City, Philippines, she is famous for Goin' Bulilit in a career that spans 2004–present. Her zodiac sign is Taurus.

Miles Ocampo has been in 5 on-screen matchups, including J.C. Santos in Missed Connections (2023), Kelvin Miranda in Missed Connections (2023), Khalil Ramos in Love vs Stars (2021), Kokoy De Santos in Love vs Stars (2021) and Marco Gumabao in Luv U (2012).

Miles Ocampo is a member of the following lists: Contraltos, Filipino child actors and Filipino women singers.


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Relationship Statistics

Dating12 years--
Encounter17 months, 4 days--
Total22 years1 year, 3 months7 months, 4 days


First NameCamille
Middle NameOcampo
Last NameHojilla
Full Name at BirthCamille Ocampo Hojilla
Alternative NameCamille, Miles Ocampo, Mille
Age26 years
Birthday1st May, 1997
BirthplaceQuezon City, Philippines
Height5' 4" (163 cm)
Eye ColorBlack
Hair ColorBrown - Dark
Zodiac SignTaurus
ReligionRoman Catholic
Occupation TextActress, Model
Claim to FameGoin' Bulilit
Year(s) Active2004-present, 2004–present
Talent Agency (e.g. Modelling)Star Magic (2004–2022), Crown Artist Management (2022–present)
FriendKathryn Bernardo (bestfriend) (actress)
Associated PeopleKim Chiu (actress), Sarah Geronimo (actress)

Camille Tan Hojilla (born May 1, 1997), known professionally as Miles Ocampo, is a Filipino actress, commercial model print-ads model, and singer. A former mainstay in the kiddy gag show Goin' Bulilit, she is a member of Star Magic. She usually plays a supporting role to Sarah Geronimo, Sharon Cuneta, Kim Chiu and Lorna Tolentino.

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