The Meaning Behind The Song: another soul by MICO

Titleanother soul
Writer/ComposerMICO, Neanderthal, Sensu, Mandicimo & Keepitinside
Albumthe tears we fight (2023)
Release DateSeptember 13, 2023
GenrePop, Indie Pop
ProducerMICO, Neanderthal, Sensu, Mandicimo & Keepitinside

As I listen to the song “another soul” by MICO, I am immediately struck by the raw emotion and vulnerability in the lyrics. The song explores the complexities of a relationship where one person is constantly seeking validation and attention, while the other is consumed by past drama and unable to fully invest in the present.

In the first verse, the lyrics reveal the narrator’s frustration with their partner’s inability to see the love and effort they are putting into the relationship. The narrator acknowledges that they are giving too much, reaching for a love that may not be reciprocated. It’s a painful realization that can resonate with anyone who has ever felt unnoticed or unappreciated in a relationship.

The refrain further dives into the narrator’s thoughts and actions. They confess to spending countless nights analyzing and obsessing over the relationship’s potential heights, while ignoring the clear signs that their partner was never truly ready for a committed relationship. It’s a deeply relatable experience, as many of us have wasted our precious time and energy on someone who was not willing or able to reciprocate our feelings.

The second verse delves deeper into the narrator’s frustration. They express their desire for their partner to see the plans and dreams they have been organizing in their mind, while their partner remains fixated on petty drama and trivial conversations. The narrator admits to their own struggle to know when to let go, as they continue to hold on despite the mounting evidence that their partner may not be the right fit for them.

In the chorus, the narrator reflects on their own needs and the conflicting desires within the relationship. They needed someone who cared deeply, while their partner simply needed someone to fill a void. The narrator reveals their vulnerability, admitting to saying things they couldn’t bear to say to anyone else. It’s a poignant moment that explores the imbalance and disparity of emotions within the relationship.

The bridge brings us back to the narrator’s internal struggle. They confess to racing through their mind, overthinking every moment and interaction. They hold onto shreds of hope, desperately searching for answers and validation. It’s a visceral representation of the turmoil and confusion that can plague us in relationships when our emotions are clouded by uncertainty.

The song concludes with a repetition of the chorus and the post-chorus, emphasizing the narrator’s need to know if they were truly valued or simply a fill-in for someone else. It’s a bittersweet ending that leaves the listener with a sense of longing and introspection.

Personally, “another soul” resonates deeply with me. It encapsulates the struggle of wanting to be seen and loved authentically, while navigating the complexities and insecurities of a relationship. The song reminds me of past experiences where I questioned my worth and significance in the eyes of my partner. It serves as a reminder to prioritize my own emotional well-being and to seek relationships that are built on mutual respect and appreciation.

In conclusion, MICO’s “another soul” is a powerful and emotionally charged song that explores the dynamics of a relationship where one person is desperately seeking love and validation, while the other is consumed by past drama and unable to fully invest. The lyrics capture the pain, frustration, and longing that can arise when our needs go unmet in a relationship. It serves as a reminder to value ourselves and to seek relationships that prioritize mutual love and respect.
