Angerland said:
we have no artificer, strange I know.
That's a shame, in more ways that just the fact that you're lacking a trapfinder.Do Complete Adventurer ninjas get trapfinding? It's not really that much different, but the ninja seems a better fit for the medatative swordsage. And you'd also get your swordsage Wis doing a little bit extra, providing you with extra uses of ki power.
How about some help with manuvers and combos?
for level 1 I was thinking: shadowblade technique, sudden leap, clinging shadow strike, burning blade, saphire nightmare blade, ?
Stance= island of blades
I also wouldn't miss moment of perfect mind, or the other concentration-as-saves manevuer. As a trapspringer, you won't mind having to roll d20+25 rather than d20+10 for your Fort when you trigger that harm glyph.
quick rules question. PrC's count as a "class" when multiclassing yes? as far as xp penalties I mean.
This has been the subject of debate, but AFAIK the intent is that PrCs are not counted. But what PrC are you considering, for a swordsage/rogue?ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7prrWqKmlnF6kv6h706GpnpmUqHyzu8aunGarp6S%2Fpb%2FAoJxmoJWhvW99mGlwcHBf