A naked photo of famed film director Roman Polanski and his late wife Sharon Tate will be sold at Christie’s Auction House on December 7, 2009. The photo, taken shortly before the actress was murdered in 1969, is expected to fetch between $8,000 and $12,000.
If you are interested in bidding, the portrait is Sale 2229 and will take place at Rockefeller Plaza in New York.
Commenting on the David Bailey photograph, Christie’s vice president Laura Paterson said, “It certainly is provocative because of who the characters are. But it’s also a touching naked shot of a happy couple. And Bailey does capture the anything goes flavor of that period.”
View photos and details of the bizarre Tate-LaBianca murders. Sharon was 8-1/2 months pregnant when followers of Charles Manson entered the couple’s home and killed her and four house guests.
Polanski is currently incarcerated in a Swiss jail while awaiting extradition to the United States. He fled to France in the late 70’s to escape possible prison time for the sexual assault of thirteen-year-old Samantha Geimer – details and photos here.