Ian Carroll and Geraldine Doogue

1987 - 2011

Ian Carroll and Geraldine Doogue  


Ian Carroll and Geraldine Doogue were married for 24 years before Ian Carroll died aged 64.


Australian Business Professional Ian Carroll was born Ian Robert Carroll on 17th November, 1946 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia and passed away on 19th Aug 2011 Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia aged 64. He is most remembered for Australia Broadcasting Corporation. His zodiac sign is Scorpio.

Geraldine Doogue is a 71 year old Australian TV News. Born Geraldine Frances Doogue on 29th April, 1952 in Subiaco, Western Australia, Australia, she is famous for host of Radio National's Life Matters program for 11 years from its inception in 1992, host of religion-based program Compass on ABC TV from 1998 to 2017, host of Saturday Extra on RN. Her zodiac sign is Taurus.


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Relationship Statistics

Married1987 - Aug 201124 years, 7 months
Total1987 -Aug 201124 years, 7 months
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