Pleasure P is coming to his 17-year-old son’s defense. The recording artist took to social media to share his thoughts about his son being accused of premeditated murder by the Board County Sheriff’s office after the law enforcement agency put out an arrest warrant on such allegations.

According to the Sheriff’s department, Pleasure P’s son was alone in a vehicle with a 24-year-old man. The teen allegedly told the adult to exit the vehicle where Pleasure’s son reportedly committed the murder. The Board County Sheriff’s office accused the 17-year-old of leaving the 24-year-old man on the side of the road where the adult was ultimately discovered and pronounced dead at the scene.

Pleasure P took issue with a few matters regarding the case and was sure to highlight his concerns during a recent social media video. “Why would a 17-year-old be around a 24-year-old,” the recording artist asked. “And no disrespect to that family because we want to get to the bottom of this. I just want to make sure mine is innocent,” Pleasure continued.

“Let’s get all the facts straight,” the celebrity father proposed. “Let’s get all the investigation straight,” he added. “Something is missing,” Pleasure P said during his social media segment.

“Why would my son be in the car with one person that’s 24-years-old and why would he shoot him,” the celebrity father asked. “There’s a lot more factors being left out and they do not want to give us all the information that my lawyer’s been trying to get. And they don’t want to give it to us.”

Some cautioned Pleasure P about getting on Instagram to discuss an open case. Others gave full support to the celebrity father and praised him for standing with his son in the matter.

“If he’s innocent, I don’t blame him for being there for his child,” one social media fan said. “I will check out about mine too,” another Instagram follower declared. “Black fathers speak.”

It was just a few weeks ago that Pleasure P’s son made him a grandfather at 36-years-old. The recording artist took to social media to celebrate the newest addition to the family.

“Been so busy with tour and stuff that I forgot to tell you guys about this little blessing,” Pleasure told his social media fans. “He came a month early weighing in at 6 pounds,” the celebrity added. “Introducing you guys to my Grandson, Amir Marcus cooper. I had a son while I was young, [and] now I have a grandson while I’m young. What a blessing.”

Photo: Pleasure P/Instagram
