Fame | Tim Burchett net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Tim Burchett? When is Tim Burchett's birthday? Where is Tim Burchett born? Where did Tim Burchett grow up from? What's Tim Burchett's age?

Tim Burchett Born: 1964 (age 59years), Knoxville, TN

Is Tim Burchett married? When did Tim Burchett get married? Who's Tim Burchett's married to? (Who's Tim Burchett's husband / wife)?

Tim Burchett Spouse: Kelly Kimball (m. 2014), Allison Beaver (m. 20082012)

How about Tim Burchett's education?

Tim Burchett Education: Bearden High School, University of Tennessee

How about Tim Burchett's nationality?

Tim Burchett Nationality: American

How about Tim Burchett's previous position?

Tim Burchett Previous position: Mayor of Knox County (20102018), Tennessee State Senator (19982010)

How about Tim Burchett's current office?

Tim Burchett Current office: Representative (R-TN 2nd District) since 2019

Is Tim Burchett a senator or congressman?

Congressman David Kustoff | Representing the 8th District of Tennessee.

What is Tim Burchett passionate about?

Congressman David Kustoff | Representing the 8th District of Tennessee.

Who is the representative for Maryville Tennessee?

Congressman David Kustoff | Representing the 8th District of Tennessee.

Who is the congressman for Henry County Tennessee?

Congressman David Kustoff | Representing the 8th District of Tennessee.
