Search for Impartial Jury Gets Thorny in Trump Supporter Eduardo Acostas Attempted Murder Trial i

On the day of the 2020 presidential election, police say Eduardo Acosta, 39, was involved in an argument with two men that ended with charges of premeditated attempted murder, aggravated assault and robbery. He became “triggered” after seeing a Joe Biden flag on a jet ski, according to the Miami Herald, and allegedly fired at the jet ski’s occupants, calling them “child molesters” for supporting Biden. As the Biden supporters fled, police said, Acosta chased them and threatened them at gunpoint before pinching one of their jet skis. Now, the search for an impartial jury has proven to be a challenge for attorneys and prosecutors. Jury selection began Tuesday and, so far, objectivity has been hard to come by. Jurors have answered questions about their politics, and many have been crossed off the list. “It’s not that I think Biden is awesome, but Trump represents everything that I... have a disdain for,” a woman who was excluded said. “I think he’s a vile human being.” Jury selection is expected to resume Monday, according to the Miami Herald.

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