Lisette Lee Net Worth 2024

Lisette Lee is a South Korean drug dealer who has a net worth of $30 thousand. She was born in South Korea and now resides in Beverly Hills, California, where she is known as the "Pot Princess of Beverly Hills". She has made a name for herself in the drug dealing business, and her wealth has grown as a result.
Lisette Lee is a member of Criminals

Age, Biography and Wiki

💰 Net worth: $30 Thousand (2024)

Some Lisette Lee images

Lisette Lee net worth: Lisette Lee is a South Korean drug dealer who has a net worth of $30 thousand. Lisette Lee was born in South Korea. She lives in Beverly Hills, California and is known as the "Pot Princess of Beverly Hills". Lisette had falsely claimed to the an heiress to the Samsung corporation. At a young age she started adapting various personalities to manipulate people around her. She was known to kidnap men, set up surveillance, and wiretap. Over 14 different trips she moved 7,000 pounds of pot from Los Angeles, CA to Columbus, Ohio.

Lee was arrested in June 2010 by the Drug Enforcement Administration with over 500 pounds of marijuana worth $500,000. Lee was charged with felony counts of possession and conspiracy to distribute marijuana. She pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute more than 1 ton of marijuana and was sentenced to six years in federal prison and ordered to pay a fine of $20,000.
