Why aren t my villagers losing their jobs?

Why aren’t my villagers losing their jobs?

There could be several reasons why your villagers aren’t losing their jobs. Here are some possible explanations:

1. If you have already locked a trade, then they won’t switch professions

If you have traded with a villager and locked their profession, they will not change jobs. The trade locks their profession and the trades they have in place.

2. They may be detecting a different job opportunity, so they stick with the one they had

Villagers might be aware of other job opportunities within the vicinity and choose to stick with the profession they currently have, rather than switching to a different job.

3. Removing a job site block will remove its connected villager’s profession

If you remove the job site block that a villager is connected to, they will lose their profession. This can be a way to reset their job and allow them to switch to a different profession.

4. If a villager is taken far away enough from their job block, they will immediately lose their job

If you take a villager far away from their job site block, they will lose their job immediately. This can happen if you transport them in a boat or through other means.

5. It takes time for villagers to take a new job if they are surrounded by multiple other villagers with jobs

If a villager is surrounded by multiple other villagers with jobs, it can take a long time for them to accept a new job. It often takes several minutes for them to accept the job, even if they are trapped directly in front of the job table. This can be a result of competition for available jobs.

6. Trades with villagers lock their professions and trades

When you trade with a villager, it locks their profession and the trades they have in place. This means that once a villager has traded once, they will keep that trade forever.

7. Villagers will not lose their job if they have access to their job site block and bed

For villagers to maintain their jobs, they need access to their job site block and a bed. If they have both of these, they will not lose their job.

8. It takes around 2 in-game hours for a villager to lose their job

In Minecraft versions 1.14.4 and 1.15.2, if a villager is taken far away from their job site block, they will lose their job after about 2 in-game hours.

9. Without access to job site blocks, villagers essentially remain unemployed

Villager professions in Minecraft are attached to their job site blocks. If they don’t have access to these blocks, they essentially remain unemployed.

10. If villagers are around multiple other villagers with jobs, it takes a long time for them to take a job

If villagers are surrounded by multiple other villagers with jobs, it can take a long time for them to accept a job. It only takes around 6-8 other villagers with jobs in the vicinity for the issue to appear.

11. Destroying a job site block that a villager is currently using will make them lose their job

If you destroy the job site block that a villager is currently using, they will lose their job. You can then place a new job site block nearby and wait for the villager to interact with it, indicating a job change.

12. Villagers need their beds

Apart from the jobsite, villagers also need their beds. Not having a bed can affect their ability to take up a job. Make sure that each villager has access to a bed.

13. Villagers need to be forgiven

If you want villagers to forgive you, you can try trading with them or trading with other villagers nearby. Another method is to purposefully get the villager infected by a zombie and then cure them.

14. Nitwit villagers need a different profession to become a normal villager

If you want to convert a nitwit villager into a normal villager, you need to give them a different profession. This can be done by providing them with a job site block.

15. A villager will claim a bed if it is within a 48 block sphere and not claimed by another villager

To get a villager to claim a bed, make sure the bed is within a 48 block sphere of the villager and that it is not already claimed by another villager. Villagers will automatically claim unclaimed beds within this range.

16. Villagers do not despawn in any version of Minecraft

Villagers are not supposed to despawn in any version of Minecraft. However, there are a couple of known bugs where they may disappear, usually if their bed is right on a chunk border.

17. Villagers won’t keep a job without a bed

Apart from the jobsite, villagers also need a bed to survive. Without a bed, they will not be able to sleep, and they may become tired and weak. Make sure each villager has access to a bed.

18. Mending can be the first trade a Librarian villager has

Mending can be the first trade a Librarian villager has, so there’s no need to level up a villager to unlock Mending from a higher-tier trade.

19. Villagers can breed without job site blocks

Job site blocks are not required for
