How do you freeze canned black olives?

Remove olives from plastic container and store frozen blocks in air-tight freezer bags to conserve freezer space. Olives may be frozen for up to six months. Freezer-burnt olives are not spoiled or poisonous, and may be seasoned and pureed for use in sauces and marinades.Click to see full answer. Also, how do you store canned black olives?Unopened cans of olives keep up to one year on a cool, dry shelf. Once you have opened a can, store the olives completely submerged in their own liquid in a covered container in the refrigerator for one to two weeks. Olives bought in bulk and stored steeped in oil keep several months in the refrigerator.Similarly, how do you know if black olives are bad? If they do not have a smell or they smell metallic or unpleasant in some way, they are probably bad and should be thrown out. Examine the olives. If black olives have white fuzz on them, seem overly greasy and slimy or look patchy and discolored, they are bad. Just so, how do you freeze green olives? Depending on how many you’ll want to eat at once, you can put them in anything from an ice cube tray (works best for sliced olives) to a bowl. Then, cover them in water and freeze. When you’re ready to eat them, just pop them in the microwave and you’re good to go.Can you freeze olive juice?For the best flavor, don’t store olive brine in the can once it’s opened. If you aren’t using the brine right away, you can store it in Tupperware either in the refrigerator (up to 1 week) or the freezer (up to 2 months).
