15 Things The Bella Twins Don't Want You To Know

Since bursting onto the scene in 2007, The Bella Twins, consisting of Nikki and Brie Bella, have become mainstream favorites. They took the industry but storm as a tag team, then as they went about their single careers, and acquired a huge fan base in the process, not only because of their abilities in the ring, but because of the people they are, their characters and real life personalities, and of course because of the fact that they’re super-hot.

Brie’s retired now from in-ring competition, although she’s still involved in wrestling as an ambassador, and Nikki’s retirement seems to be imminent. It will come as a disappointment to wrestling fans, but they’ve been there, seen it, done it, and conquered it, so the time’s coming where they want to explore other opportunities.

Understandably, being as famous as they are, there’s been plenty of stuff that has been dug up about their pasts, about various goings on in their private lives aside from wrestling and before they achieved worldwide popularity in the ring. But there’s quite a few things Nikki and Brie would want to keep under wraps, wouldn’t want any old Tom, John and Harry knowing about, for various reasons. These are 15 of those things – things The Bella Twins don’t want you to know.

15 15. Nikki’s Always Been The Better Athlete

Being twins, they look the same, behave the same, and you’d think that they’d be good at the same things too. You wrestling aficionados out there would have noticed the subtle differences between Nikki and Brie’s styles in the ring, but what they probably don’t want you to realize – certainly not Brie anyway – is that one is far better than the other in terms of athleticism, physical capabilities, and sports ability in general.

Both were natural-born athletes, but Brie has testified that Nikki perhaps harnessed that ability better than she did. Nikki was always better than Brie when playing soccer – their sport of choice – at school, and many would deem her to be a better wrestler too.

For the sake of keeping sibling rivalry to a minimum, maintaining healthy sibling relations, they wouldn’t really want people knowing this – they want to be seen as being on an equal pedestal, with them being twins and all.

14 14. John Cena Was Really Hesitant About Marrying Nikki

It’s kind of refreshing to think that these two – unlike most people of their status and in their position would have done – didn’t rush into things and tie the knot straight away. Nikki and John dated for four and a half years – a lifetime in some circles – before the day everyone was waiting for finally happened, and John proposed to Nikki.

While they were dating, Nikki had made it clear numerous times that she wanted to get married to John, but his view kept changing on the matter, perhaps to keep people guessing, but Nikki must have been a tad irked out by it. He’d say he was open to marriage, but then he’d seem pissed off when talk of marriage kept cropping up. No one else on the planet would hesitate to marry Nikki Bella and make it official, and John’s now done just that having popped the question.

13 13. They Waited Tables When Younger

It just goes to show that everyone starts somewhere, and those initial jobs in the world of work may not be all that glamorous, but now they’ve risen to where they are today, the twins probably find it a tad embarrassing that they once waited tables to earn some extra cash. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do, and after college, the two were dead-set on finding an agent who could help them get into modeling and acting, so they moved to L.A., but in the meantime, had to support themselves which they did by waitressing at Mondrian hotel on Sunset Boulevard.

They certainly paid their dues and toiled until they found work, and although it’s not a profession they should be embarrassed about, they probably don’t want you to know about it because it’s hard to picture such glamorous beauties scrubbing down tables and bringing out plates of food for discerning customers.

Around 2006, The Bella Twins’ faces were beginning to get picked up and they were starting to become quite popular in the modeling industry, getting a lot of good gigs. After being the World Cup Twins for Budweiser, they entered the "International Body Doubles twins search" and later on that year, decided to try something new, and that something new was the 2006 WWE Diva Search.

Knowing what you know about The Bellas, it’s hard to imagine them not being a part of wrestling in some capacity, but they very nearly weren’t, because at that Diva Search, they didn’t make the cut. Kind of embarrassing for them if you think about it, considering the superstars they are today, but thankfully for theirs and wrestling’s sake, WWE saw sense and still signed them up to a developmental contract a short while later.

11 11. Nikki Married Her High School Sweetheart

No one who’s as famous as Nikki and who’s in a stable and loving high-profile relationship like Nikki is, wants people digging up the past, especially if the juicy gossip’s about previous relationships.

We all do stupid things when we’re younger, and celebs are no exception. Plenty of celebs got married when they were really young, and more often than not, the marriage ends up being an abject failure and doesn’t last too long. That’s exactly what happened in Nikki’s case. She got hitched to her high school sweetheart when she was just 20, but it was short-lived and didn’t work out and the marriage was annulled three years later. Nikki even kept the marriage secret from those close to her.

It’s not really nice people knowing about failed relationships, hence Nikki wouldn’t want you to know about hers, and she’d probably want to eradicate John Cena’s past relationship history too.

10 10. Personal Details About Their Families

This might seem like a bit of a surprise to a lot of you because as accessibility goes, Nikki and Brie and their family are pretty open about most things. For one, they’ve been on Total Divas, a reality TV show in which a lot of private information gets aired. They’re also pretty candid in interviews, divulging a lot of information that their fans just lap up. On top of that, they’re very active on social media; hardly a day goes by without at least one of them tweeting something, or posting one of their lovey-dovey snaps with their other half’s. But they do have limits. They’re accessible when they want to be, and don’t want people to know every little thing about their families, what’s happing in their lives every second of every day.

They draw the line at having cameras shoved in their faces when it comes to certain family moments, but being the superstars that they are, unfortunately for them, not everyone respects that.

9 9. Both Have Hooked Up With Celebs Before Getting With Their Current Partners

This kind of ties in to the whole thing I mentioned before about them not wanting people to dig up the past and know about their past relationships. But it’s even more so since some of their relationships in the past have been with celebs, and in Nikki’s case, someone who’s in the same profession as her and her current fiancé, Dolph Ziggler. So, Nikki’s been married before, has dated Dolph, but Brie’s also been in a relationship with a high-profile celebrity figure before, with former Poison guitarist Richie Kotzen. It’s not something they want to shout about from the rooftops, especially since Brie’s now happily married to Daniel Bryan, and Nikki’s soon-to-be married to John. They wouldn’t want people to know about their celeb dating histories either; knowing about your partner’s dating history is always bad, but for some reason, it’s worse if the other person’s a celeb.

8 8. "Growing Up Bella" Promos

Both Nikki and Brie would want you to forget these segments, as they were just ridiculous, poorly acted and scripted segments, and not want you to know about them because it was all just fabricated nonsense.

We all had an inkling, with them being twins, being so close and in a tag team, that there’d be storylines where they’d turn against each other. But in 2014, the September 1, 2014 edition of Raw to be more specific, we saw Nikki talking to the camera, telling stories about her sister, how she used to steal her ID to pass the blame on her, how Nikki had to do Brie’s school test etc... At the end of doing her piece to the camera, Nikki said, "but I've never told anyone;” yeh, perhaps it should have stayed that way.

7 7. Have A Fractured Relationship With Their Dad

The Bella Twins aren’t really daddy’s little girls, and haven’t been for quite some time. Since their mom and dad divorced, which occurred when Nikki and Brie were quite young, they’ve been with their mom, Kathy Colace, and most recently former Raw General Manager John Laurinaitis, whom she married last year.

It’s not only the fact that the twins don’t really see their dad – things have happened in the lives that have meant they just aren't as close as they are with their mom. This was revealed on an episode of the reality show, Total Divas, when they aired out their issues with him. Apart from that, their biological dad hasn’t really been mentioned; their mom’s moved on with a familiar face, as have the twins, and it certainly seems as if they’ve done just fine without him.

6 6. Tony Atlas's Crazy Allegations

While shoot interviews are always interesting, it's perhaps best to always take what you hear with a grain of salt. While some wrestlers are always honest, sometimes stuff is just said to push one's agenda, generate some headlines, etc... WWE Hall of Famer Tony Atlas was on YouTube's YouShoot series and once alleged that the Bella Twins were known for performing certain acts with wrestlers. He went as far as to say that they would relieve themselves on others when asked to do so. Yup, that's a pretty disgusting thought. The Bella Twins have never responded to this, and perhaps it's best not to, as if it's true, they wouldn't want to draw attention to it. And if it's not true, why would the twins dignify that allegation with a response?

5 5. Their WrestleMania XXIX Match Was Cancelled

The Bella Twins didn’t have the best time of it in 2012. Both were out of the ring for almost a year, only making a few appearances on the indies after getting fired from WWE by Executive Administrator Eve Torres. They also tried to make a go of things in Hollywood, but this time away from wrestling and their pursuits didn’t really come off or go according to plan. They were back on the scene soon enough, in March 2013, and were put straight into a storyline with Naomi and Cameron. It was announced that they’d be coming up against each other at WrestleMania XXIX, but, to their dismay, WWE decided against it and the matchup was subsequently scrapped. It did take place, but not on the big stage at WrestleMania, something The Bellas probably still feel very bitter about. This was highlighted on the very first episode of Total Divas.

4 4. Their Relationship With Maria Kanellis

Maria Kanellis was one of the most popular divas on the roster when she was doing her thing in WWE throughout the mid 2000s. She was loved by most, fans and her fellow wrestlers, but a couple of people who won’t be on her Christmas card list, are The Bellas. They essentially shut the door on a possible return to the fold for Maria, and it was they who bolted it shut.

Apparently, back in the day when Nikki was dating Dolph Ziggler, they weren’t happy with Nikki getting too pally with him. The story goes that Maria and Dolph were dancing together, but Nikki wasn’t having any of it and confronted Maria. Nikki didn’t forget it, and Maria blames her for costing her a WWE contract. Here’s what Maria has said on the matter: “She's not worth my time. She took something from me and it wasn't a man, or it wasn't a piece of candy, it was a contract. It's my career and I think for me, that's probably the worst thing you can do.”

3 3. They’re Quite Small

Nikki and Brie aren’t exactly miniscule, but having said that, in comparison to other women on the roster, they are pretty small, diminutive figures – petite but perfect as I’m sure everyone would agree. But they probably don’t think so and would love to be a bit taller, that small woman complex must take a hold of them from time to time.

The Bellas, like pretty much every other thing in their lives, are the same height and stand at about 5’6. This might surprise a lot of people, because they have pretty small frames; like I said, we don’t really care, but it probably irks them out a little bit and they don’t want others knowing their height. They’re lean, ripped, super-fit, great in the ring, fantastic wrestling personalities, bring a touch of glamor to events – that’s all we as fans care about.

2 2. Rumors About The Hot Tub And John Laurinaitis

As mentioned before, John Laurinaits recently got married to the Bella Twins' mother Kathy Colace. The new family seems close and the sisters, as well as their brother J.J. all seem to have embraced "Johnny" as a member of the family. With Laurinaits now being their step dad, the Bellas would certainly like a certain rumor or even just hearsay, to go away. Their old nemesis Maria Kanellis once alleged that the Bellas once shared a hot tub with John Laurinaitis, and cozied up to him. While that's as far as Maria went, you could put the pieces together as to what she was implying.

Again, it's best to take that with a grain of salt, but even the mere thought of that speculation getting out there has to be embarrassing for the twins.

1 1. They Once Turned Down An Offer From WWE

Most people, if trying to make it in the wrestling industry, would snap the management’s hands off if WWE came to them and offered a contract. But that’s the thing, it wasn’t really their desire to make it big in wrestling, something they probably don’t want you knowing about because it kind of make it seem like the esteemed promotion that is WWE and the industry as a whole for that matter, was their backup plan.

They were discovered by WWE after appearing on the NBC show Meet My Folks, and after that, WWE came calling. But they were trying to make it as actresses, so moving all the way out to Tampa to wrestle didn’t really feature in their plans. But after some persuading from their mom, who went to meet with WWE reps, they gave wrestling a try, and subsequently took the industry by storm.
