Chris Rock has continued to make waves across the internet since appearing on his Netflix comedy special titled Selective Outrage on March 4. The show was filmed at the Hippodrome Theatre in Baltimore and was the network’s first global streaming event.
The comedian shared jokes on a variety of topics during the show and saved the final 10 minutes to joke about the now-infamous Will Smith Oscars slap incident. However, Rock also took a few subtle jabs at Smith while joking about other artists.
Sharing a piece on the music industry's power couple Beyonce and Jay-Z, Chris Rock said:
“Nothing more powerful than female beauty… nothing! Just look at Beyonce, she’s extremely talented, but even with all that talent ain’t nothing more powerful than the beauty. Beyonce is so fine that if she worked at Burger King she could still marry Jay-Z. She can still get her a billionaire great rapid businessman.”He continued:
“Now if Jay-Z worked at Burger King… well anyway, that is not a Jay Z diss! I do not need another rapper mad at me. I do not need the smoke!”Making another “mad rapper” reference, Chris Rock joked about Snoop Dogg recent appearances in a string of commercials:
“When did Snoop Dogg become Morgan Freeman? This n***a selling everything! Beer, wine, tampon… I saw a commercial the other day, Snoop was selling reverse mortgages, called them doggages. What the f*** is a doggage? I love Snoop, I love Snoop, I am not dissing Snoop Dogg- last thing I need is another mad rapper.”Chris Rock likely referred to Will Smith as the rapper who got mad at him during the 2022 Oscars over the Jada Smith G.I. Joe joke as the former began his career as a rapper before becoming one of the most recognized actors in Hollywood.
Smith was part of the 80s hip-hop duo DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince. The group was joined by beatboxer Ready Rock C before earning the attention of Jive Records and Russell Simmons. The group also received the first Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance in 1989 for the song Parents Just Don't Understand.
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air star soon ventured into acting and focused on a solo music career. He went on to release four studio albums, including Big Willie Style (1997), Willennium (1999), Born to Reign (2002) and Lost and Found (2005).
What did Chris Rock say about Will Smith in Selective Outrage?
Chris Rock ripped into Jada Pinkett and Will Smith while sharing jokes about the 2022 Oscars slapping incident in the final 10 minutes of his comedy special, Selective Outrage.
He shared that Smith is “significantly bigger” than him in terms of physique and appearance and said:
“First of all, I know you can't tell on camera, but Will Smith is significantly bigger than me. We are not the same size, OK? We are not – this guy does movies with his shirt off! You've never seen me do a movie with my shirt off. If I'm in a movie getting open heart surgery, I got on a sweater.”The 58-year-old compared Smith’s role as Muhammad Ali to that of his role as Pookie in New Jack City and said:
“Will Smith played Muhammad Ali in a movie! Do you think I auditioned for that part? He played Muhammad Ali. I played Pookie in New Jack City. I played a piece of corn in Pootie Tang! Even in animation, he's bigger- I'm a zebra, he's a shark.”Chris Rock then noted that Smith practices “selective outrage” as his actions at the 2022 Oscars were not directed towards him:
“Will Smith practices selective outrage. Outrage because everybody knows what the fuck happened. Everybody that really knows, knows that I have nothing to do with that sh*t. I didn’t have any entanglements.”He claimed that the actor’s slap was a reaction to his Jada Pinkett Smith’s “entanglement” with August Alsina:
“His wife was f***ing her son’s friend. I normally would not talk about this sh*t, but for some reason, these n****s put that sh*t on the internet. I have no idea why two talented people would do something that lowdown… We’ve all been cheated on. Everybody in here has been cheated on. None of us have ever been interviewed by the person that cheated on us on television. She hurt him way more than he hurt me.”Chris Rock also addressed the moment he got slapped by Smith onstage and said:
“You all know what happened to me, getting smacked by Suge Smith. It still hurts. I got ‘Summertime’ ringing in my ears. But I’m not a victim, baby. You’ll never see me on Oprah or Gayle crying… I took that hit like Pacquiao.”The comedian also said that he did not react to Smith’s action on the night of the slapping incident because his parents taught him not to fight in front of white people.
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