David Gray - Sail Away Lyrics Meaning

My interpretation of this song is about a person who is persuading someone to take a course in life that they believe is the best choice. They put everything they have in that person, their life, their dreams, their hope...Their trust. Ie,
'sail away with me honey I put my life in your hands'
i like how all the responsibility is given up and the control is given over to the 'other' person. Like it's over to them to make the choice and its them who sail the boat!

'you break me up if you pull me down..

This line in the song refers to the times when that hope, trust, love is broken. I love how d gray sings this he puts his whole being into it. You can really feel that he means what he's singing.

'crazy skies are wild above me
winds are howling at my face
and everything I held so dear disappears without a trace'

i think these lyrics refer to the bleakness of his life but although things aren't so great he has her love to guide him through (perhaps in a kind of nautical way??)and that's what he's asking for perhaps her guidance, her support, her love. I think he also sounds a bit fed up with the way of his life and where he lives. I think it's like he's lost hope in what he has and wants to escape perhaps not in a physical way, (not like to foreign shores) but in a spiritual and mental way. As if he's persuading her to just be with him....And to love him. I have a few interpretations of this song but maybe this isn't my best one...
