Another George-Georgette Jones Duet: You and Me and Time

Do you remember when George Jones and his then 10-year-old daughter Georgette sang together on stage? Singing “Daddy Come Home” which they recorded together, it was such a heartfelt performance watching this father-daughter duet. While the emotional Tammy Wynette sat behind watching the two, no one could deny that indeed, daughters really need their fathers, too.

Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
~ “Daughters,” by John Mayer

We are all aware of the failed marriage of George and Tammy. However, the birth of their beautiful daughter who would later follow their footsteps proves that they still fell in love with each other. Even though short-lived, their love story was fruitful.

I believe that fathers are very important in a child’s life. The presence of a male figure constitutes and greatly impacts a daughter’s or a son’s life. Of course, with the help of the mother. Just like what happened to the Jones family, the presence of George to Georgette was vital to her growing into a young adult. Their duets showed that George did not forsake the mother and daughter. And I hope that those who have had failed marriages or relationships may learn from this family.

In this article, I will be featuring another duet of George and his daughter Georgette in 2008. The song is entitled “You and Me and Time,” a song perfect for their relationship. But before that, let us know more about Georgette Jones.

Tamala Georgette Jones

Born on October 5, 1970, Tamala Georgette Jones or simply Georgette is the only child and daughter of the late George Jones and Tammy Wynette. Being born from country music artist parents, Georgette has grown to become a country singer herself. In addition, she worked as a registered nurse for 17 years.

Moreover, Georgette has released a number of albums. In 2010, she released her debut album entitled, Slightly Used WomanStrong Enough To Cry. In 2013, she released Til I Can Make It on My Own, an album that paid tribute to her mother, TammyWynette. It featured some of Wynette’s greatest hits like “Til I Can Make It on My Own,” and and “Stand by Your Man” written by Wynette and Billy Sherrill that became Tammy’s signature song.

“You and Me and Time”: Father-Daughter Duet

This duet was recorded and released in 2008, four years before George’s passing. Such song is perfect for a father and daughter relationship. The song was well sung and given an interesting interpretation by the two. With the perfect words that match the perfect melody, there’s no denying that their performance is heartfelt.

The opening exchange of lines between the father and daughter Jones got me hooked on this song. With this, I want to share it with you.

(Georgette): You were just a picture on my baby grand
(George): Yours was in my wallet, I showed to all my friends
(Georgette): But the world rolled in between us, keeping us apart
(Georgette): Thank God we discovered we’re still joined at the heart.

Watch George and Georgette Jones perform “You and Me and Time.”

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