How old is Red Steagall? When is Red Steagall's birthday? Where is Red Steagall born? Where did Red Steagall grow up from? What's Red Steagall's age?
Red Steagall Born: December 22, 1938 (age 84years), Gainesville, Texas, United States
How about Red Steagall's albums?
Red Steagall Albums: Lone Star Beer and Bob Wills Music, The Cowboy Code, MORE
Is Red Steagall married? When did Red Steagall get married? Who's Red Steagall's married to? (Who's Red Steagall's husband / wife)?
Red Steagall Spouse: Gail Steagall
How about Red Steagall's nationality?
Red Steagall Nationality: American
What is Red Steagall famous for?
Although Red Steagall is best known for his wonderful Texas Swing dance music and such songs as "Here We Go Again", "Party Dolls and Wine", "Freckles Brown", and "Lone Star Beer and Bob Wills Music", he also is beloved by Texas cowboys for the quiet times they have spent with him around chuck wagon campfires.
Is Danny Steagall related to Red Steagall?
We're proud to carry the new Gospel CD from Red's younger brother, DANNY STEAGALL.
Where does Red Stegall live?
He currently maintains offices outside of Fort Worth, Texas, where he is involved in the production of motion pictures and television shows. On December 28, 1974, Hee Haw season six, episode 16, Steagall saluted his hometown of Sanford, Texas, population 181.