Why are the leaves on my rhubarb turning brown?

Rhubarb is a resilient plant, but it can develop two fungal leaf spots. As the leaf tissue dies, the spots turn tan, but they don’t fall out and leave a hole. After ramularia has spread to all the leaves, it will cause the stalks to turn brown and wither.Click to see full answer. Consequently, why are my rhubarb leaves turning yellow?There are a few diseases that can cause problems with rhubarb and they tend to occur most when drainage is poor or when temperature and humidity are high. Yellowing and wilting of the leaves could simply be lack of water at crucial times – the broad leaves need copious amounts of moisture in summer.Also, what causes rhubarb to die out? It is also possible that the soil in which the rhubarb plants are planted is not rich enough in iron. Plants with iron deficiency will turn yellow and wiltoften noticed by yellowing between the veins in the leaves. Rhubarb Crown Rot – notice the stems separating from the crown. People also ask, how do you revive a rhubarb plant? Rake the straw mulch away from the plant and put down 2 or 3 inches of composted manure around the plant in a ring. Do not cover the crown where the leaves will emerge. Then add the straw to the top. As the manure breaks down during the season, add straw for that magic three inches.How often do you water rhubarb?Water rhubarb plants during dry weather to maintain healthy foilage throughout the summer. Healthy plants are able to store large amounts of food in their roots, resulting in a good harvest the following year. During dry weather, a deep soaking every 7 to 10 days should be adequate.
