Trevor Moore Lyrics
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I saw a story 'bout a girl not even twenty yet
She was bullied by some trolls, just for being different
And as I read I wondered how much further we'd be along,
If all society's bullies just disappeared and were gone
It's not okay to say that someone is different from us all
Assuming we are right and big and that they are wrong and small
Even if she self-identifies as a...
Are you fucking kidding me?! A goddamn wolf?!
That's who this stupid kid thinks she is?!
Thank God I kept on reading; can't believe I almost re-tweeted this!
You're not a martyr or a victim, just an attention whore!
Making a mockery of legit social movements from before!
You're literally crying wolf while kids out there are getting disowned for being gay!
So don't claim discrimination, 'cause you know damn well it's not the same!
In fact, I take back what I said:
Who knows where we would be today or what other crap these coddled kids would come up with if the bullies go away?
Asmeret Ghebremichael
If the bullies go away...
If the bullies go away...
If the bullies go away...
Life's an ecosystem,
At least that's what they say;
You've got to think about what happens
When you take one piece away...
If the bullies go away...
If the bullies go away...
If the bullies go away...
If the bullies go away
Trevor Moore
Life is an ecosystem, at least that's what they say
Ya gotta think about what happens when you take one piece away
And when we cracked down on the bullies
Perhaps we just went too far:
'Cause with nothin' but encouragement these kids don't even know what they are.
One thinks that she's a vampire,
This one thinks that he's a wolf,
This one's got a pony toy and jerkin' off on to it's hooves
This one bought a pillow printed with an anime cartoon;
He's bringing it to family functions saying that it's his waifu.
This one self-identifies as the planet Mercury:
She's a gender-fluid otherkin who's proud that she's obese.
Reality's a trigger word, so we're quickly losing touch;
We need some kids to have the balls to say you all are fucking nuts!
Look, you're not an animal no matter how you fucking feel:
Vampires and werewolves are not even fucking real!
Bullies you need to right this ship, put us back on proper course:
You need to come back and restore some balance to the Force!
That's a Star Wars quote I used!
Please make fun of me for that!
Say my songs are never funny and I'm looking old and fat!
You've still got it all within you, you just have to believe!
So dust yourself off, get on out there, and go give some kids swirlies!
Shove 'em in the lockers, give 'em wedgies; you do what you do!
Haters gonna hate, and for that, we depend on you!
Our skin is getting thinner each and every single day, and there'll be nobody left to guide us back if all the bullies go away...
If the bullies go away...
(That's right bullies!)
If the bullies go away...
(Never stop believing in yourself!)
If the bullies go away...
(Don't let anybody try to change who you are!)
(You are necessary!)
Life's an ecosystem,
(You matter!)
At least that's what they say,
(So that next time somebody tries to tell you to not make fun of someone)
You've got to think about what happens
(for being a total weirdo)
If you take one piece away
(Just think of this song..)
If the bullies go away...
If the bullies go away...
If the bullies go away...
If the bullies go away.
Overall Meaning
The song "Bullies" by Trevor Moore is a satirical take on the issue of bullying and the current trend towards self-identification and individualism. The first verse introduces the idea of a girl who is bullied for being different and questions the impact of bullies disappearing from society. However, as the song progresses, it becomes clear that the focus is not solely on the issue of bullying but rather on the idea that self-identification can go too far and become a form of attention seeking. The chorus asks what would happen if the bullies go away and highlights the idea that life is an ecosystem where every piece is necessary.
Moore then goes on to mock those who identify as vampires or werewolves, calling them attention seekers who are making a mockery of legitimate social movements. He suggests that too much encouragement may lead to children identifying as all manner of things including genders, planets, and anime characters. Moore argues that reality is becoming a triggering word and that balance needs to be restored to the force. Finally, the song ends by calling on bullies to right the ship and put society back on a proper course, because without them, there will be no one to guide society back if everyone continues to identify as a wide array of things.
Overall, "Bullies" is a biting satire on the current trend towards individualism and self-identification, questioning the validity of some forms of identification and calling for balance rather than an extreme focus on individual identity.
Line by Line Meaning
I saw a story 'bout a girl not even twenty yet
The singer read a news article about a young woman who was a victim of bullying.
She was bullied by some trolls, just for being different
The girl was teased and harassed by others for being unique and not fitting in with societal norms.
And as I read I wondered how much further we'd be along,
The singer pondered how much progress humanity would have made if bullying did not exist.
If all society's bullies just disappeared and were gone
The artist wished that all bullies would vanish from society entirely.
It's not okay to say that someone is different from us all
The artist believes that it is wrong to treat someone badly simply because they are unique.
Assuming we are right and big and that they are wrong and small
The singer thinks that it is unfair to put oneself on a pedestal and judge others as inferior.
There's no excuse to make this poor girl feel that she's off the plan
The singer asserts that there is no justification for making the young girl feel out of place or ostracized.
Even if she self-identifies as a...
The artist is about to discuss a controversial aspect of the news article regarding the girl's self-identification.
The girl self-identified as a wolf.
Are you fucking kidding me?! A goddamn wolf?!
The artist is shocked and incredulous that the girl identified as a wolf.
That's who this stupid kid thinks she is?!
The singer is mocking the girl for her self-identification as a wolf and calling her stupid.
Thank God I kept on reading; can't believe I almost re-tweeted this!
The artist is relieved that they kept reading before sharing the article and potentially sharing misinformation.
You're not a martyr or a victim, just an attention whore!
The singer believes that the girl was seeking attention rather than being a genuine victim or hero of a social cause.
Making a mockery of legit social movements from before!
The singer feels that the girl's behavior ridicules and undermines legitimate social justice movements.
You're literally crying wolf while kids out there are getting disowned for being gay!
The singer is drawing a comparison between the girl's self-identification as a wolf and the real struggles that LGBTQ+ youths face, such as being disowned by their families.
So don't claim discrimination, 'cause you know damn well it's not the same!
The artist argues that the girl's experiences of being bullied for identifying as a wolf cannot be compared to genuine forms of discrimination, such as racism or homophobia.
In fact, I take back what I said:
The artist is retracting their earlier statement about wishing all bullies would disappear.
Who knows where we would be today or what other crap these coddled kids would come up with if the bullies go away?
The singer is expressing concern that if bullying were to cease completely, there may be negative consequences, such as an increase in entitled behavior or a proliferation of problematic self-identification claims.
Life's an ecosystem,
The new speaker is drawing a comparison between life and an ecosystem.
At least that's what they say;
The artist acknowledges that this comparison may be a cliché.
You've got to think about what happens
The artist is emphasizing the importance of considering the consequences of actions.
When you take one piece away...
The artist is suggesting that everything in life exists in a delicate balance, so removing one component can have unforeseen effects.
Life is an ecosystem, at least that's what they say
The original speaker is echoing the same sentiment as the new speaker.
And when we cracked down on the bullies
The artist is discussing society's attempts to eradicate bullying.
Perhaps we just went too far:
The singer is suggesting that society has overcorrected or overreacted to the issue of bullying, leading to unintended consequences.
'Cause with nothin' but encouragement these kids don't even know what they are.
The singer believes that coddled or overprotected children lack a sense of identity or self-awareness.
One thinks that she's a vampire,
The singer is describing another person who has identified as a mythical creature.
This one thinks that he's a wolf,
The artist is referencing the girl from the news article who identified as a wolf.
This one's got a pony toy and jerkin' off on to it's hooves
The artist is describing an individual who engages in a peculiar sexual act with a pony toy.
This one bought a pillow printed with an anime cartoon;
The singer is describing someone who has purchased a body pillow with an anime character printed on it.
He's bringing it to family functions saying that it's his waifu.
The singer is criticizing the individual for bringing the body pillow to family gatherings and referring to the anime character as their waifu (a slang term for a fictional girlfriend or wife).
This one self-identifies as the planet Mercury:
The artist is referencing yet another person who has ascribed an unusual identity to themselves.
She's a gender-fluid otherkin who's proud that she's obese.
The artist is describing an individual who identifies as a non-human entity and has fluidity in their gender identity, while also being proud of their weight.
Reality's a trigger word, so we're quickly losing touch;
The artist is commenting on the trend of people becoming overly sensitive to reality or any negative aspects of the world.
We need some kids to have the balls to say you all are fucking nuts!
The singer thinks that more children need to speak up and challenge absurd or illogical ideas they encounter.
Look, you're not an animal no matter how you fucking feel:
The artist is trying to dissuade people from identifying themselves as animals, as it contradicts biology and reality.
Vampires and werewolves are not even fucking real!
The singer is pointing out the absurdity of believing in supernatural creatures such as vampires and werewolves.
Bullies you need to right this ship, put us back on proper course:
The singer is imploring bullies to correct society's imbalance caused by overprotective behavior and problematic self-identification claims.
You need to come back and restore some balance to the Force!
The singer is using a reference to Star Wars to emphasize the need for equilibrium and balance in society.
That's a Star Wars quote I used!
The artist is drawing attention to the fact that they made a reference to Star Wars.
Please make fun of me for that!
The artist is inviting others to ridicule them for making a nerdy reference.
Say my songs are never funny and I'm looking old and fat!
The singer is willing to accept negative feedback or criticism for their comedic work and appearance.
You've still got it all within you, you just have to believe!
The singer encourages others to have faith in themselves and their abilities to make positive changes.
So dust yourself off, get on out there, and go give some kids swirlies!
The artist is making a sarcastic suggestion that bullies should go back to their old ways, like giving kids swirlies (dunking their heads in a toilet).
Shove 'em in the lockers, give 'em wedgies; you do what you do!
The artist is continuing to mock bullies and their harmful behavior towards others.
Haters gonna hate, and for that, we depend on you!
The artist is suggesting that society needs bullies to exist, because they are the ones who will raise objections or criticism to ideas that are unreasonable or harmful.
Our skin is getting thinner each and every single day, and there'll be nobody left to guide us back if all the bullies go away...
The singer is concerned that society is becoming overly sensitive and politically correct, and that if bullies were to disappear, there would be no one left to challenge these trends and bring society back to a healthier equilibrium.
Life's an ecosystem, at least that's what they say;
The final speaker reiterates the analogy between life and an ecosystem from earlier in the song.
You've got to think about what happens when you take one piece away
The final speaker reminds listeners of the importance of considering the consequences of one's actions.
If the bullies go away...
The singers pose the question of what would happen if bullies ceased to exist in society.
Contributed by Luke I. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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